实验:逃离房间(The Experiment: Escape Room)中文VR版下载

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  • 更新2020-08-20
  • 分类VR游戏
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适用机器设备:HTC VIVE / Oculus / 游戏运行库

实验:逃离房间(The Experiment: Escape Room)

"The Experiment" is a multiplayer escape room puzzle game for virtual reality or desktop PC! It can be played competitively, co-op or solo.
While visiting a well renowned doctor, you notice something is amiss at his office. Before you realize what's going on, he drugs you and you fall asleep. When you wake up, you are sitting on a chair in the back room, locked and unable to get out of the building. You can tell that the doctor is running some kind of experiment on animals and people and you are his next subject! Can you figure out what's going on and escape before it's too late?
Gather up to 6 people and play as one team that tries to solve the puzzles or try the "Versus" mode, where each player is locked alone and tries to escape the room before the others do!
Virtual Reality
The game supports full roomscale/standing tracking with motion controllers on both the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.
VR is not necessary, you can play with a Desktop using keyboard & mouse / gamepad.
Help us improve
Please give us your thoughts and ideas on the game, we are here to improve and we need your help to keep doing what we love!
Want more Escape Rooms?
Check "Tales of Escape" out for free!
Challenge your friends on "Escape First"

Oculus Rift实验:逃离房间(The Experiment: Escape Room)HTC Vive实验:逃离房间(The Experiment: Escape Room)WindowsMR实验:逃离房间(The Experiment: Escape Room)HTC控制板试验:逃离房间(The Experiment: Escape Room)OC控制板实验:逃离房间(The Experiment: Escape Room)WindowsMR控制板实验:逃离房间(The Experiment: Escape Room)就坐应用
站起应用实验:逃离房间(The Experiment: Escape Room)室内空间规定

电脑操作系统电脑操作系统: Windows 7 - 64 bit电脑操作系统: Windows 10
CPUCPU: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greaterCPU: Intel Core i7 8700K equivalent or greater
运行内存运行内存: 8 GB RAM运行内存: 16 GB RAM
独立显卡图型: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD equivalent or greater图型: NVIDIA GTX 1080TI / AMD equivalent or greater
电脑硬盘储存空间: 必须 10 GB 之上能用空间储存空间: 必须 10 GB 之上能用空间

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