无尽的远征(Endless Crusade)中文版下载

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  • 更新2020-08-19
  • 分类VR游戏
  • 字母分类W

适用机器设备:HTC VIVE / Oculus / 游戏运行库

无尽的远征(Endless Crusade)

Endless Crusade
Previously, we have developed the Age of Heroes, a multiplayer VR combating game.
The original Age of Heroes has multiple classes: mage, warlock, archer, priest. Age of Heroes also has 3 raids: Hall of Death, Freezing Stronghold, and Fort of Horror. Each raid contains battles and bosses that require different team cooperation and raid strategies.
However, the game is not as interesting as we had hoped due to limited raids,lack of replayability and pricing problems. Thus, we decide to remake the game based on the lessons we learned from Age of Heroes.
Through early access, we hope to hear your advices and game experience.

In Endless Crusade
We try to
• Add more maps and demons to the game. We expand the number of maps from 3 to 9 and the type of enemies from 11 to more than 50.
• Rebuild mage and archer,introducing skill sets and combos. Each class now has as many as 17 skills, including active and passive skills. Skills now can form certain builds that fundamentally change your combat strategy and damage.
• Add an endless challenge mode, where you may encounter a random combination of foes and maps. You can choose the rank you wish to attempt. The higher the rank, the more difficult of the game, and the better reward you can gain.
Also, top 100 players’ rankings will be displayed in a ladder.
• Improve character development. By collecting omni-stone, you can enhance your damage and defense, upgrade your skills and unlock more skill slots.

Oculus Rift无尽的远征(Endless Crusade)HTC Vive无尽的远征(Endless Crusade)WindowsMR无尽的远征(Endless Crusade)HTC控制板无尽的远征(Endless Crusade)OC控制板无尽的远征(Endless Crusade)WindowsMR控制板无尽的远征(Endless Crusade)就坐应用
站起应用无尽的远征(Endless Crusade)室内空间规定

电脑操作系统电脑操作系统: Windows 7 - 64 bit电脑操作系统: Windows 10
CPUCPU: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greaterCPU: Intel Core i7 8700K equivalent or greater
运行内存运行内存: 8 GB RAM运行内存: 16 GB RAM
独立显卡图型: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD equivalent or greater图型: NVIDIA GTX 1080TI / AMD equivalent or greater
电脑硬盘储存空间: 必须 10 GB 之上能用空间储存空间: 必须 10 GB 之上能用空间

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