弹球FX2(Pinball FX2 VR)VR游戏下载

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  • 更新2020-09-07
  • 分类VR游戏
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这是一款画风恐怖,内容逗趣,情节丰富的VR弹球游戏。游戏开始前可以根据需要调整桌面的高度,按下菜单左键,自动匹配,这一点值得点赞!游戏开始后,就像我们小时候玩的街机弹球一样,扣住手柄的扳机键,操控两个控制臂,因为这个版本是行尸走肉风格,进入游戏后你的周围会布满僵尸,当然他们不会攻击你,就只是深情地望着你,偶尔吓唬吓唬你! 再说说这个游戏的情节!游戏中通过小球的来回弹动,会触发不懂得情节点。用弹球击打桌面中央藏在地道中,支持设备:HTC VIVE / Oculus / Valve Index / 游戏库

弹球FX2(Pinball FX2 VR)

Experience digital pinball as never before in Pinball FX2 VR, a groundbreaking new pinball game from the digital pinball pioneers Zen Studios! Pinball FX2 VR features advanced physics, detailed 3D graphics, and original tables from the pinball wizards at Zen.

Pinball FX2 VR replicates the atmosphere of real-life pinball machines in a virtual play space, while presenting gameplay features and effects that you simply cannot recreate on a physical machine. Additionally, the game’s rich scoreboards will track your Super Score, Wizard Score, table stats and more to let you compete against players from all over the world!

Pinball FX2 VR comes with three tables: Secrets of the Deep, Mars and Epic Quest. Additional tables may be purchased as DLC.

Oculus Rift弹球FX2(Pinball FX2 VR)HTC Vive弹球FX2(Pinball FX2 VR)WindowsMR弹球FX2(Pinball FX2 VR)HTC控制器弹球FX2(Pinball FX2 VR)OC控制器弹球FX2(Pinball FX2 VR)WindowsMR控制器弹球FX2(Pinball FX2 VR)就坐使用
站立使用弹球FX2(Pinball FX2 VR)空间要求

操作系统操作系统: Windows 7 - 64 bit操作系统: Windows 10
处理器处理器: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater处理器: Intel Core i7 8700K equivalent or greater
内存内存: 8 GB RAM内存: 16 GB RAM
显卡图形: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD equivalent or greater图形: NVIDIA GTX 1080TI / AMD equivalent or greater
硬盘存储空间: 需要 10 GB 以上可用空间存储空间: 需要 10 GB 以上可用空间

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