[switch精品软件]大气层 Atmosphère 0.10.5 整合下载

[switch工具]大气层 Atmosphère 0.10.5 下载,关键更新增加了Gamecard Installer NX,可以直接从游戏卡安装游戏到本机了,去大方地向你的亲朋好友们借游戏卡吧!!(有封号危险)大气层更新到了 v0.10.5Hekate 更新到了 v5.1.3,修复了一大堆BUG,虚拟系统也更加稳定了升级了NXDumpTool,Dump游戏更加稳定升级了Tesla和ovlSysmodules,菜单+界面升级最重要的是增加了系统稳定性,用户体验更加舒爽

  0.10.5 is Atmosphère's twenty-eighth official release.

  fusee-primary was last updated in: 0.10.4.

  With thanks to the@switchbrewteam, Atmosphère 0.10.5 is bundled withhbl2.3, andhbmenu3.2.0.

  The following was changed since the last release:

  Changes were made to the way fs.mitm builds images when providing a layeredfs romfs.

  Building romfs metadata previously had a memory cost of about ~4-5x the file table size.

  This caused games that have particularly enormous file metadata tables (> 4 MB) to exhaust fs.mitm's 16 MB memory pool.

  The code that creates romfs images was thus changed to be significantly more memory efficient, again.

  Memory requirements have been lowered from ~4x file table size to ~2x file table size + 0.5 MB.

  There is a slight speed penalty to this, but testing on Football Manager 2020 only took an extra ~1.5 seconds for the game to boot with many modded files.

  This shouldn't be noticeable thanks to the async changes made in 0.10.2.

  If you encounter a game that exhausts ams.mitm's memory (crashing it) when loading layeredfs mods, please contact SciresM.

  Romfs building can be made even more memory efficient, but unless games show up with even more absurdly huge file tables it seems not worth the speed trade-off.

  A bug was fixed that caused Atmosphere's fatal error context to not dump TLS for certain processes.

  General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.

- MB


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