日本动漫音乐制作大师-(K)NoW_NAME – Backtrack在线播放网盘下载

日本动漫音乐制作大师-(K)NoW_NAME – Backtrack在线播放网盘下载(K)NoW_NAME – BacktrackWritten by:(K)NoW_NAME:AIJComposed ...

(K)NoW_NAME – Backtrack
Written by:(K)NoW_NAME:AIJ
Composed by:(K)NoW_NAME:R・O・N
Jumpin’ into you divin’ into you 偷偷接近你 出现在你的面前
I remember everything used to protect you 为了保护你所付出的努力 我从未忘记
Where did you come from 你来自何方
Been looking all over for you 我渴望了解你
What happened to you 你怎么了
Thought we were friends look at us now 本以为我们是朋友 看看现在的我们
Fightin’ for our lives this is our style 为生存而战 这是我们的行事风格
Missed you bro this deep heat from within 想你念你 兄弟 难抑激动之情
Been such a long time what’s your story 已经过去了好久 你记得近况如何
Where you headed 你去往何处
What’s your purpose 你有何目的
Thought I was stupid 以为我后知后觉
Not to notice 不会发现
We don’t gotta chit chat talk at all 我们不必多费口舌
I know everything about you my enemy and goal 敌人与目标 我了如指掌
We used to shine together fight together for our pride and honor 我们一荣俱荣 为了自尊和荣誉并肩战斗
But so sad can’t find you here 可遗憾的是 找不到你过去的影子
All I see is a madman lost and scared 我只看见一个迷失自我 可怕的疯子
Drying wind takes me back to you 凌冽萧瑟的风把我带回你的身边
When we first used to battle in justice 最初我们为了正义而战
Something’s different you’re not here 截然不同的感觉 你不在我的身边
Why don’t you tell me what happened 为何你不告诉我究竟发生了什么
I guess we’ll just have to fight and connect 我想 我们只需加入战斗 建立联系
This is how we do this is how we rule 这就是我们的使命 这就是我们的规则
You’re not who you used to be but okay 你已不是原来的模样 不过没关系
You may think it might be weird 你可能会觉得有点奇怪
But this is how me connect and discuss 这就是我联系和商讨的方式
We know how communication blends 我们知道妥善沟通的诀窍
It ain’t that easy cuz you’re pretty pretty strong 没有那么容易 因为你太过强壮
Climbin’ up our life is a progress 在人生的挫折中不断进步
We can never ever stop son 我们永不止步
Gotta gotta fight till it’s all gone and done 战斗 直到一切尘埃落定
I knock I block the flock in real time 我扭转战局 即使阻止了攻击
Reconnect the new and old primes 让新旧领袖重新联系在一起
What’s within will never fade but 内心的热血不会渐弱
We will never be the same 我们性格迥异
It’s point of no return 孤注一掷

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